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Carbon Footprint: How to Manage Multi-Site Companies and Shared Factories


Managing the carbon footprint of multi-site companies and shared factories is a complex challenge requiring precise coordination and an adapted methodology. In this article, discover the steps and methods to effectively and harmoniously conduct a carbon footprint assessment in a multi-site context, considering the specifics of each site and the challenges posed by shared factories.

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Challenges of Multi-Site Companies

Multi-site companies face specific challenges in conducting their carbon footprint assessments. Managing multiple sites involves variability in emission sources and differences in operational practices. Each site may have its own data collection methods, making harmonization and the carbon footprint assessment more difficult. Additionally, local regulations may vary, necessitating specific adaptations for each site. These different challenges require effective coordination and the use of standardized methodologies to ensure consistency and accuracy in multi-site carbon footprints.

Preliminary Steps for a Multi-Site Carbon Footprint

Define the Scope of Each Site

Defining the scope of each site is essential for an accurate carbon footprint. This involves determining the operational and organizational boundaries of each site, including all sources of direct and indirect emissions. It is crucial to consider local specifics and the activities unique to each site. This step ensures that all relevant emissions are included and that the results are comparable across the company's different sites.

Collect Site-Specific Data

Collecting site-specific data involves gathering detailed information on energy consumption, raw materials used, business travel, and waste produced. It is important to standardize data collection methods and ensure the reliability and comparability of data between sites. Using appropriate tracking tools and specialized software, like D-Carbonize, , facilitates this task.

Identifying Direct and Indirect Emission Sources

A thorough analysis of each site helps map all emission sources and prioritize reduction efforts. Direct emissions (Scope 1) include those from on-site fossil fuel combustion, such as heating and company vehicles. Indirect emissions (Scope 2 and 3) encompass those from purchased electricity (Scope 2) and supply chain activities, such as business travel and raw material production ( Scope 3).

Adapted Methodologies for Multi-Site Companies

Centralized vs. Decentralized Approach

The centralized approach involves conducting the carbon footprint assessment by a single department, ensuring consistency and uniformity in methods and data collected. This method facilitates comparison and aggregation of data between sites. Conversely, the decentralized approach allows each site to manage its own carbon footprint, offering greater flexibility and adaptation to local specifics. However, it requires good coordination and clear guidelines to ensure comparability and consistency of results across the company.

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Using Emissions Tracking and Management Software

Tracking and emissions management software, like D-Carbonize, is essential for multi-site companies. These tools centralize data collection, standardize calculation methodologies, and generate precise reports. They also facilitate continuous emissions monitoring, identification of main sources, and progress tracking at each site. With interactive dashboards and analysis features, companies can compare performance across different sites and optimize their emission reduction strategies.


To effectively manage the carbon footprint of multi-site companies and shared factories, adopt a harmonized methodology and use specialized monitoring tools, such as D-Carbonize, to ensure data accuracy and consistency.

Harmonizing Calculation Methods

Harmonizing calculation methods is crucial to ensure consistency and comparability of emission data between different sites. It is advisable to adopt common standards and protocols, such as the GHG Protocol or ISO 14064, for calculating greenhouse gas emissions. Standardizing methodologies guarantees uniform results, facilitating overall analysis and decision-making. A harmonized approach also simplifies reporting and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Managing Shared Factories

Managing shared factories in a carbon footprint requires a collaborative approach to allocate greenhouse gas emissions between different entities. It is essential to clearly define the responsibilities of each party in terms of energy consumption and resource use. The implementation of emissions monitoring protocols and the use of shared software can facilitate this management. Additionally, formal agreements and regular audits are necessary to ensure transparency and fairness in the distribution of emissions. This ensures efficient and responsible management of emissions in a context of infrastructure sharing.

A well-managed carbon footprint in multi-site companies and shared factories makes it possible to better understand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By adopting appropriate methodologies, using specialized tools and harmonizing practices, companies can not only comply with environmental regulations but also improve their overall environmental performance.

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