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Scope 2: Examples of Emissions


Scope 2 of the Carbon Footprint includes indirect emissions related to the consumption of energy purchased by a company, such as electricity, heat, and steam. Understanding these sources of emissions is essential for reducing an organization's overall carbon footprint. In this article, discover the different sources of Scope 2 emissions and concrete examples from various sectors.

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Different Sources of Scope 2 Emissions

Electricity Consumption

Electricity consumption is one of the major sources of Scope 2 emissions in the Carbon Footprint. When a company uses electricity, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are generated by the power plants that produce this energy. These emissions are indirect but are attributed to the consuming company. The amount of emissions depends on the energy mix of the region, which is the proportion of fossil fuels, nuclear, and renewable energy used to produce the electricity. Effective management of electricity consumption and the use of renewable energy can significantly reduce Scope 2 emissions.

Use of Heat and Steam

The use of heat and steam is a significant source of Scope 2 emissions. These emissions come from the production of heat and steam by third-party facilities, often through the combustion of fossil fuels. Companies that purchase heat or steam must account for the emissions associated with their production. To reduce these emissions, it is essential to optimize the use of heat and steam, improve the energy efficiency of processes, and seek suppliers who use renewable or lower-carbon energy sources for their production.

Cooling and Air Conditioning

Cooling and air conditioning are also significant sources of Scope 2 emissions. These emissions arise from the electricity consumption needed to power cooling and air conditioning systems in commercial and industrial buildings. The energy efficiency of these systems and the type of energy used to produce the electricity greatly influence the level of emissions. To reduce this type of emissions, companies can invest in more efficient cooling and air conditioning equipment, adopt energy management practices, and use renewable electricity sources.

Scope 2 : Exemples d'émissions

Indirect Emissions Related to Hydrogen

Indirect emissions related to hydrogen in Scope 2 stem from the production of hydrogen used by companies. If hydrogen is produced from fossil sources, such as natural gas, the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be significant. These emissions, although generated off-site, are attributed to the company consuming the hydrogen. To reduce these emissions, companies can turn to "green" hydrogen, produced from renewable energy sources, thereby minimizing their carbon footprint.


To effectively reduce your carbon footprint, identify the main sources of Scope 2 emissions in your sector and adopt energy efficiency practices, such as using renewable energy and optimizing the consumption of electricity, heat, and steam.

Examples of Scope 2 Emissions

Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing companies generate Scope 2 emissions primarily through their consumption of electricity, heat, and steam purchased for their production processes. For example, a chemical manufacturing plant uses large amounts of electricity to power its machines and equipment. Similarly, the heat and steam required for production processes, such as drying or heating materials, also contribute to indirect emissions.

Tertiary Sector

The tertiary sector, including offices, retail stores, and services, generates Scope 2 emissions primarily due to electricity consumption for lighting, IT equipment, and air conditioning. For example, an office building uses electricity to power computers, servers, and ventilation systems.

Additionally, the consumption of heat for winter heating and steam for certain cleaning systems also contributes to indirect emissions. Adopting energy efficiency practices, such as using LED bulbs and energy management systems, can significantly reduce these emissions.

Transport and Logistics

In the transport and logistics sector, Scope 2 emissions mainly come from electricity consumption used for warehouse operations, inventory management systems, and charging electric vehicles. Transport terminals also use electricity for lighting, heating, air conditioning, and automated equipment.

For example, modern distribution centers use electric conveyors and automated sorting systems. Optimizing energy efficiency in these facilities, along with adopting renewable energy sources, can significantly help reduce indirect emissions in this sector.

Agriculture and Agri-food

In the agriculture and agri-food sector, Scope 2 emissions are mainly related to electricity consumption for irrigation, greenhouse ventilation, processing, and product storage. Additionally, the use of heat and steam for processes such as pasteurization, sterilization, and food processing also contributes to emissions. For example, meat and dairy processing facilities require significant amounts of energy for cooling and heating.

By identifying the main sources of Scope 2 emissions and adopting energy efficiency practices, organizations can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. A good understanding of Scope 2 emissions not only helps in complying with environmental regulations but also enhances an organization's energy performance and brand image.

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