Release note V1.3.2
Overview data formatting update to display thousands as “K” and millions as “M”.
Data input questionnaire
The questionnaire has been updated to allow the input ow new values :
The tags and analytical creation screens have been deported under organization settings and are now only editable by the administrators of your cockpit.
The measure section has been completed with a set of new visuals
All visuals of measure can be filtered using the tags assigned to each data. It is now possible to use an “All-Match Filtering” mode to allow to fetch the intersection of data instead of their union.
The consolidated views now display one more data grouping level: group by emission factor labels. It also allows for searching any labels or value within the displayed datasets.
All charts from measure now allow image, csv and xlsx exports from an upper right menu. The same menu allows to display each chart’s data in a table visual as an alternative to the graphs.
The GES tab of “Report” now strictly reports electricity on location based emission factors instead of market based ones. Should your input data contain market based emission factors, they will be substituted with the most relevant average mix. GHG and ISO reports remain untouched and still report the data the way it has been input.
The “Plan” section has been renamed “Reduce”.
The new “Set Targets” section now allows to set emission reduction targets by entity or by scopes based on the selected plan.
New module: Contribute
The “Contribute” module now allows you to input carbon offset, avoided and negative emissions, along with tCO2 impact and costs to enhance your forecast. All contribution type is reflected on the Analyze – Forecast graph. Just click on a cell in the table to open a menu allowing you to select the kind of contribution you want to input. Reopening a contribution allows you to store evidence.
The “Forecast” page has been updated for a better reading of your forecast, taking into account your carbon contribution.
The “Entities” report has been updated to allow filtering of the visuals by interacting with the charts. Just click on a bar from the entity of GHG category graphs to filter the rest of the visual. Undo your selection by clicking on the upper right cancel button of each graph.
The all new Uncertainty visualization allows you to analyze your carbon footprint’s emission factors and data collection related uncertainties in a global manner, or by scope, by entity, by GHG-P category or by dimension. The “Uncertainty by” visual allows you to pinpoint where the data collection process has been less efficient by giving indicators about both the uncertainty (color) and emission amounts (size).
Most charts from “Analyze” now allow image, csv and xlsx exports from an upper right menu icon. The same menu allows to display each chart’s data in a table visual as an alternative to the graphs.
All charts allow to display their data in a table visual
Organization settings
It is now possible for administrators to manage the tags and analytic categories from the organization settings. To avoid confusion, tags and analytic categories can now be linked to one or several entities so only these entities will be able to see and use them.
If you have any comments or suggestions about our platform, please don’t hesitate to contact us: in**@d-*********.eu