How much does carbon footprint software cost?
The price of carbon footprint software varies depending on a variety of factors, including its features and the support it offers.
Some basic programs may be free, while more advanced solutions can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per year. It is essential to consider the specific characteristics of your business, such as size, activities, and goals, when choosing the best solution.
In addition, additional support, such as consulting and support services, can be invaluable in ensuring the success of your software implementation.
Investing in the right carbon footprint management software is essential to steer your business toward sustainability and reduce its carbon footprint.
Start your decarbonized future in good hands
A carbon assessment software is a tool that allows companies to measure, manage and reduce their carbon emissions. It can be purchased for a lump sum or as part of a subscription. Prices vary depending on the features included. Depending on the needs of the company, the price of the support service by a specialized consultant must also be added.
Depending on its type, carbon footprint software provides a more or less precise assessment of the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted by different activities or processes of the company.
This software allows CSR managers to identify potential areas for improvement and guide organizations towards sustainable measures.
As a business, there are many factors you need to consider when determining the cost of carbon footprint software.
What impacts the price of carbon footprint software?
The cost of carbon footprint calculation software can vary depending on the complexity of the program and the features you want to include.
Some basic programs are available for free, while more advanced programs may require an investment of several hundred or even thousands of euros per year.
It’s important to do your research and compare providers before making a purchasing decision. Comparison sites can provide insight into which pricing models and packages best suit your business needs.
Functions covered by the software
When looking for carbon footprint calculation software, consider which features are most important to you and your business.
Is the software compliant with carbon accounting standards, such as GHG Protocol and Bilan Carbone®?
Can multiple sites in your company have independent carbon footprints?
Is there an intuitive and easy to use interface?
Can it be integrated into an ERP?
Does it simplify data collection in the company?
Is it possible to compare the evolution of the situation from year to year?
Does the software allow to determine the quantity of CO2 emitted for the production of a type of product?
Does it provide reporting for decision-makers, shareholders and the executive committee?
Calculation methods
The methods of calculating the carbon footprint can impact the cost of the software or tool.
This is specifically the case of Scope 3 which concerns greenhouse gas emissions generated indirectly during the product life cycle (supply, mobility, logistics, sale, use, end of life, etc.).
Indeed, the collection, management and updating of data relating to this scope upstream of the assessment can increase the cost of the software. This scope involves significant research work with suppliers and partner companies.
However, it is essential to take into account all the data related to your business if you want to reduce your impact on the environment and reduce your costs in the long term.
To ensure you choose a solution that meets your needs, it's important to consider factors such as your company's size, operations, budget and goals.
The software must offer features that adapt to the company’s sector: agronomy, chemistry, tertiary, raw material processing. For example, it is important to know if the software provider has the relevant CO2 emission factors for your activity.
Finally, the tool must be able to reflect the structural organization of the company (multinational, multi-site, multi-product) to produce reports aligned with the structure of your company.
Choose the right software to reduce your carbon footprint effectively.
Choosing a suitable solution
Once you've determined which features matter most to you, consider price and availability.
While premium carbon calculation software may cost more up front, it can also help reduce your costs if it has a wide range of features and functionality.
Carbon footprint SaaS platforms
A carbon footprint SaaS (Software as a Service) platform is an online tool developed to measure the carbon footprint of a company or activity. Like software, it helps identify possible areas for improvement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Its price can vary depending on the features offered. It is generally marketed as a subscription. Generally speaking, the prices of these platforms vary between €1,000 and €10,000 per year. More complex or tailor-made solutions can cost up to several million euros.
The accompaniment
It is important to consider additional support services that come with the software purchase, such as technical assistance, consulting or tutorials, which will help the CSR manager implement the program successfully.
Some software vendors offer consulting services to best support their clients. Since every business has unique goals, an external expert can be invaluable in helping you take the necessary steps to reduce your impact on the environment. The value of this support will be even greater if the consultant is certified in carbon accounting and an expert in your field.
Whatever your needs, investing in the right carbon management software will put your business on the path to sustainability. It’s more important than ever to think about how we can adapt and reduce our carbon footprint.
Reduce your business’s carbon footprint by booking a demo with the D-Carbonize experts.